environmental health issue examples

environmental health issue examples

Here, we are sharing information on the topic: “environmental health issue examples” Environmental improvements could avert nearly 25% of the world’s illness burden. The COVID-19 epidemic serves as yet another reminder of how fragile human-planet ties are. The conditions for good health include clean air, a stable climate, enough water, hygienic practices, safe chemical usage, radiation protection, safe and healthy workplaces, safe agricultural practices, cities and constructed environments that promote health, and a maintained natural environment.
  • Environmental improvements could avert nearly 25% of the world’s illness burden. The COVID-19 epidemic serves as yet another reminder of how fragile human-planet ties are.
  • The conditions for good health include clean air, a stable climate, enough water, hygienic practices, safe chemical usage, radiation protection, safe and healthy workplaces, safe agricultural practices, cities and constructed environments that promote health, and a maintained natural environment.
environmental health issue examples
environmental health issue examples

environmental health issue examples

1. Air pollution outdoors

  • Lung cancer,
  • cardiovascular illness, and respiratory disorders

2. Water that is unsafe to drink

  • Intestine (diarrheal) disorders

3. tainted recreational water

  • Gastrointestinal disorders that cause diarrhoea.
  • infections of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat

4. Ticks, mosquitoes, and other vectors

  • Dengue fever,
  • malaria,
  • and ricketsial illness

5. Exposure to ultraviolet light

  • Too much: cataracts in the eyes, non-melanoma skin cancer, and melanoma

6. Insufficient amounts of vitamin D can cause

  • rickets,
  • osteoporosis,
  • and osteomalacia.

7. exposure to secondhand smoke

  • Low birthweight and abrupt, unplanned newborn mortality (SUDI)
  • In kids: middle ear infections, lower respiratory infections, and asthma
  • Adults: lung cancer, ischemic heart disease, and stroke

Environmental health: what is it?

  • Our health and well-being can be impacted by the environment both directly and indirectly. The study of environmental health looks at how human health and the environment interact.

We apply the definitions listed below:

  • Aspects of human health (including quality of life) that are influenced by environmental physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial elements are referred to as environmental health.
  • The term “environment” refers to everything that is outside of oneself, such as the social, natural, physical, and behavioral settings.
  • Health is more than just the absence of sickness or illness; it is a state of whole physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Why is environmental health important?

To be healthy, we need to live in safe, wholesome, and encouraging environments. One of the main factors influencing our health and happiness is the environment we live in. The environment provides us with energy and the elements we need to survive, including:

  • pure air and safe water to consume
  • wholesome food and secure housing.
Numerous elements of our surroundings, both natural and man-made, might have an effect on our health. It’s critical that we consider health concerns in the larger context of our surroundings and the places we call home.

Serious Health Issues

Since all forms of pollution and environmental issues have an impact on one another, they must be addressed collectively. The community and many stakeholders must collaborate to lessen the influence of the environment on public health.

1) Change in Climate:

  • Global sea levels are rising, which explains why land is getting smaller, there are more frequent and severe natural disasters, and greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate change.
  • These gases also raise ocean temperatures, which impacts marine habitats and ecosystems.

2) Pollution:

  • One of the main factors contributing to environmental issues with biodiversity and climate change is pollution. The environment is impacted by all forms of air, water, soil, radiation, noise, light, and heat pollution.
  • Public health is negatively impacted by global warming, climatic change, and pollution and degradation of the quality of the air, soil, and water. Pollution of the air and water is a major problem that endangers human health as well as marine life.
  • Important resources can be spared harm by enforcing stringent regulations, passing legislation, and teaching people about the causes and effects of pollution.

3) Deforestation:

  • Deforestation is the act of eliminating plants and trees that give people access to food, water, medicine, and oxygen.
  • At an alarming rate, natural wildfires, illicit logging, agricultural activities, and the mass harvesting of timber for commercial purposes are shrinking forests, depleting the supply of oxygen, and raising greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The most intricate and important components of the ecosystem that make up the environment, biodiversity is essentially what protects it safe from the effects of pollution, deforestation, and rising global temperatures.

4) Disease:

  • One major factor affecting environmental health is disease mitigation and control, necessitating the use of clean drinking water, occupational and industrial hygiene, radiological protection, and control of vector-borne, communicable, and non-communicable diseases.

5) Dangerous waste:

  • It is now crucial to manage hazardous waste, hazardous materials, waste disposal systems, clean up polluted sites, stop underground storage tank leaks, respond to emergencies, and stop dangerous materials from being released into the environment.
  • Enhancing waste management systems can help avoid the risk of contaminating the environment or spreading disease. Global industrialization is changing public standards of life, including how trash should be handled and sanitary practices should be followed.
  • Infectious disorders are frequently associated with the methods and materials associated with industrial advancement.

The Value Of Health

  • A condition of health takes into account one’s physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • It takes both a sound physical and mental perspective to be healthy.
  • Adopting a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle are prerequisites.
  • Humans have a major impact on the health of other environmental elements.
  • Nearly all health issues are typically absent in healthy individuals.
  • Because they live longer and are less prone to illness, there is a far lower likelihood that they will experience pain, discomfort, or unease.
  • It can have an effect on one’s mental capacity in addition to their physical health.
environmental health issue examples
environmental health issue examples


What are 5 examples of environmental health?

Answer: The conditions for good health include clean air, a stable climate, enough water, hygienic practices, safe chemical usage, radiation protection, safe and healthy workplaces, safe agricultural practices, cities and constructed environments that promote health, and a maintained natural environment.

What are the environmental issues of health?

Answer: Events linked to climate change or environmental pollutants can significantly affect human health. Health problems like asthma, hearing loss, dehydration, and heart disorders are closely linked to air and noise pollution, heavy metals like mercury, and other environmental contaminants.

What is the meaning of environmental health issues?

Answer: A significant issue or problem pertaining to the state of the environment and its effects on human safety and well-being, such as air pollution or climate change, is referred to as an environmental health concern. The different elements of the environment that have an impact on people’s health are known as environmental health factors.

Why are environmental issues?

Answer: Global environmental degradation can result from human actions such as population increase, neoliberal economic policies, rapid economic growth, overconsumption, overexploitation, pollution, and deforestation.


To sum up, safeguarding the health of present and future generations depends on identifying and resolving environmental health concerns. Societies can endeavor to create a more resilient and healthy planet for everybody by enacting evidence-based policies, encouraging environmental stewardship, and adopting sustainable behaviors. The seriousness of these issues emphasis how crucial individual accountability and international cooperation are to protecting the environment and public health.

So, this is how the topic “environmental health issue examples” has been addressed.

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